Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Chapter 10: Instant Karma

     "Come with me Miss Karma" commands Dr. Honaker dressed in a black robe and standing in the library doorway. "It's time for our winter solstice ritual in the Temple of the Lost Pyramid."

"I'll meet you there in a minute" she stalls while stepping over toward the bathroom, still uncertain about what she'll do.

"If you must" he sighs, "but then go in the rear entry and stand beside the altar."


    Unbeknownst to the Grand Master, Karma Czarcinski had already been initiated before returning east from San Francisco in the Spring of 1973. She was well versed in the craft of Dianic wicca through training with Szuszanna Budapest of the Susan B. Anthony coven,. Unlike other emerging pagan groups at the time, this coven was all female and worshiped only goddesses. While many esoteric spiritual traditions practiced raising life force including sexual energy, Budapest's also taught that hexes and binding spells were appropriately used on men who were abusive toward women.


     "Have you, Karma Czarcinski, improved your mind and will through the practice of virtue and the avoidance of vice?' begins Dr. Honaker as she approaches the dais, their candlelit shadows dancing on the stone walls.

"Yes" she answers softly, peeking at the small group kneeling before them in white robes.

"Do you have a yearning for wisdom?" he continues, tilting his head to look down at her over his thick glasses.

"Yes" she responds more strongly, staring at the red rose encircling a cross stitched onto the front of his robe.

"What is the beginning of wisdom?" he booms, leaning toward her in imperious fury.

"Hearing the Black Madonna speak" she asserts, stepping up onto the altar to gasps from the initiates as Dr. Honaker steps back, tripping on his long robe and landing squarely on the waiting divan.

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