Thursday, November 15, 2018

Chapter 8: Our Ladies Of Czestochowa

   "Sorry to bother you Sister Franciszka" squeaks Karma to her black habited former teacher at the door to the convent house on West Second Street. "I need to talk to someone about something."

"You come right in Miss Czarcinski" commands the stern nun while stepping back into the front room and calling out "Sister Genowefa, put on a pot of tea for our young visitor."


    The Sisters at St. Mary of Czestochowa (chens-toe-HOH-vuh) were a small but dedicated group of teachers, nurses, and general administrators for the Roman Catholic church. Most were of Polish descent, some born there, and all were drawn to a contemplative life inspired by a religious icon from their ancestral homeland.
     The revered painting of the Black Madonna had mysteriously arrived in Czestochowa in the 14th century, reportedly via first Jerusalem and then Constantinople. Once enshrined at Jasna Gora monastery, she had repeatedly protected the ancient structure from invading armies, herself surviving a slashing by protestant Hussites from Czechoslovakia in 1430.


     "This doctor at my library job wants me to have sex to keep the job" Karma blurts, unable to contain her distress despite a lingering fear of the nun known as Two-Fisted Franciszka from her considerable skill with the wooden ruler.

"Sit down moja piekny" commands the sister as she guides Karma with a strong hand on the shoulder to a black wing chair beside a glass-topped coffee table, bending into an identical seat on the other side. "Now tell me exactly what he said."

"Well let's see" ponders Karma, picking up a floral china cup that Sister Genowefa had just poured with steaming oolong. "Something pretentious like 'working with the secrets of the Fraternitas Lilia Croesis requires initiation into it's ancient mysteries'."

"I see" responds the nun with raised eyebrows, pausing before continuing with "we must consult the Black Lady."

"I don't see" Karma answers with a nervous laugh.

"You will my pretty, you will."

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