Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Chapter 11: Other Music For Uplifting Gormandizers


     "Mio dio" laughs Karma's hairdresser from across a little wooden table beside the bar, "that little prick got what he deserved."

"Yeah" she agrees tapping her longneck to his, "I got the fuck out of there as soon the shock on the Grand Poobah's face turned to rage."

"But now more important things" Dan smiles, leaning across the table to whisper "how is your professor in bed?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out" she taunts, "Matt should be here any minute."


     They're sitting at one of the few tables in a newly opened East Village club called Country, Blues, and Bluegrass. The owner Hilly Kristal couldn't fit all that onto the awning banner so it was shortened to CBGB, and it was already attracting raucous crowds with edgy new music soon to coalesce into the punk movement.
     December of 1973 also brought the coalescing of evidence that the United States President had led the wiretapping of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Hotel. A gap of almost twenty minutes in a taped phone conversation about the break-in between Richard Nixon and chief of staff H.R. Haldeman was discovered and widely believed to have been an erasure of evidence despite denials from the White House. It was the beginning of the end for Nixon, and the beginning of the beginning for punk rock.


     "I'm so hot and bothered that you two came here for Christmas eve" spouts Dan as Matt joins them below the stage. "It's this chick who morphs poems into music."

"Right on" smiles Matt, bending down to kiss Karma who's standing on tiptoe to reach him. "Interesting news from Annandale, the FLC has dismissed Dr. Honaker."

Karma screams and is joined by a packed house of three hundred and fifty jumping people as a skinny poet with wild hair slowly speaks her first lines to a lone bass backdrop:

     "Jesus died
     for somebody's sins
     but not mine."

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Chapter 11: Other Music For Uplifting Gormandizers

https://myrockmixtapes.com/2016/04/20/cbgb-and-the-birth-of-punk-rock-and-new-wave/      "Mio dio" laughs Karma's ha...